Friday, March 20, 2009

Agriculture development Center:

In 70’s AFARM took up the program for improvement of Agriculture and imparting skills to the farmers for better production and qualitative yield. During the same time program of digging the wells under the Food for work program was taken up. The farmers who had water facility for agriculture were given seeds, pesticides and fertilizers at low rate of interest rate, which was repaid by the farmers later on. The said program accompanied with trainings, on job supervision and on field learning facilities to the farmers..
With the assistance of Oxfam, CASA & Caritas-India the said program was executed for almost 3 consecutive years. 6486 farmers took the benefit of the said program. Altogether 13 Vo’s participated in the program. The area coverage was 11240 ha of land under cultivation.

During the same time the program for dry land farming was designed considering the need of time. One of the member organizations, based in Pune district implemented the program in a very successful manner. The program was considered as one of the model program, which was visited by number of agronomist, activist, Vo’s & Government official. This was the time since AFARM is delivering its expertise services in the field of agriculture.

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